Thursday, December 9, 2010

Running Decisions

Yesterday, in the midst of an 8k run, I made the decision not to run the Disney Half Marathon in January. I've trying so very hard to make it happen, but after months of training I am just not there. I had a baby in July, started running seriously again in October, and just can't squeeze out the mileage necessary to have a successful half marathon. I'm just not there. This isn't a pity party-I am totally at peace with the decision. My motivation for signing up was to have a goal to help me get the baby (ies) weight off, get running again, and help me structure my never-ending (it seemed at the time) maternity leave days. Mission accomplished. I am still working on the weight thing, but the half marathon goal helped me achieve the other two goals. I am starting to see real progress on my running, but I need more time to build a base of miles and really fall in love with running. That's where 2011 comes in...

My running goals for 2011 are to build a strong foundation of training miles and to fall in love with running. I think by sticking to (and I really mean this) only 5-10 kilometer races for the entire year I can do it. That means training plans that are consistent, but not never ending. It means running adds to my family time, and doesn't take away from it. It means I can focus on speed more than distance. It means lots and lots of very good things, I hope! I hope working on developing my 2011 race calendar, but as of now I already have a 5k planned for New Years Day (my birthday!) in Round Rock and a 10k on January 25th in Sao Paulo!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Race Pic

Here's an official Race Picture from the Samsung 10k a few weeks ago. I HATE race photos, but this one isn't terrible. Maybe it was kilometer 2!

Training for the Week and an Update

So, last week was a mess. Paul and I had interview scheduled every morning at 8 am or so making it really difficult to squeeze in a run. It is summer here in the Southern Hemisphere so if I don't squeeze in a run early, forget about it. Plus, we went to the beach last Friday throwing my long run off. Anyway, I was able to catch up today. On Wednesday I ran 3.5 miles and today 7 miles. Slowly, I am catching back up. On the schedule this week:

Monday: 3.5 miles
Tuesday: Cross Train Boot Camp & Yoga
Wednesday:4 miles
Thursday: 5 miles & Yoga
Friday:Elliptical Cross Train
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 9.3 miles (15k Prova Pedestre Sargento Gonzaguinha Race)

I am going to do the Walt Disney World Half Marathon. I have to. I've worked too hard to get here otherwise!